Sonntag, 24. November 2013

My fist Facebook Shop !

Hey Everyone !

Today I proudly present you my first Facebook Shop ! 

There you will find a little collection of my selfmade accessoires aaaand ...
you can buy them, too ! You only have to write a message with the item you want to buy and youre adress, so I can send it to you. I accept paypal and bank transfer. 
Moreover I can make things individually. I sew Cosplays and Lolita dresses on request, too!

Happy shopping ^_^ 



Montag, 18. November 2013

Yukon 2013

Hey meine Lieben ! ♥

Das Wochenende auf der Yukon war so toll ! 
Ich habe zum ersten mal einen Verkaufsstand auf einer richtigen Convention gehabt und bin total glücklich darüber, wie es lief! Anfangs habe ich mir super viele Sorgen gemacht, dass etwas schief läuft aber alle meine Bedenken waren umsonst :D Alles dank euch ! 

Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle genauso viel Spaß wie ich, auch wenn ich gar nicht so viel von der Con gesehen habe x) Wer hat eigentlich den Cosplay Wettbewerb gewonnen?? 

Jetzt kommen aber mal ein paar Eindrücke für alle die, die nicht dabei sein konnten:


Wie ihr seht, war mein Stand klein aber fein ^_^ Leider war er etwas versteckt im Keller der Yukon aber trotzdem kamen mich einige nette Menschen besuchen <3 

Jetzt noch ein tolle Neuigkeit: 
In den nächsten Tagen werde ich mein gesamtes Angebot in einem kleinen Shop auf meiner Seite, sowie auf meine Facebookpage veröffentlichen. 
So könnt ihr bequem von zu Hause ordern, was euer Herz begehrt!  
Ich nehme natürlich auch gerne individuelle Bestellung an ;3 

Bis zum nächsten mal ♥


Mittwoch, 13. November 2013

The dark side of cuteness

Hey everyone ! 

Halloween passed but I want to show you some pictures of the Lolita Event we had.
The weather was aweful.. just perfect for creepy halloween photos :D 

Joey did pirate-lolita the first time. I think she looked awesome as usal ! 


Moreover Vincent Hahn (VH-Visions) took some really nice picture of me.
 I wore a dress by lady sloth, which I lent from Yuki :3 Thank you so much! 
My hair accessoires are self-made and you can find a tutorial on it here: 

I love this pose xD I had to do something evil as a real GOTHIC lolita :'D!!

Thanks to Miri, Yuki and May for the great meet up :3 
I you want to join a our Lolita meet ups every information can be found here: 

See you next time ;3


Samstag, 9. November 2013

Yuno Gasai

Hey everybody!

Today I want to show you a Cosplay that I made for Kessi. She wrote me a message on Facebook and ordered a Yuno Gasai Cosplay. She wanted the black dress version:

Yuno Gasai is a main character in Mirai Niki. She's cute looking, but evil >:) 

First Kessi wanted to buy it on the internet at 
I must say that Milanoo has a very shitty quality and it tooks 100 years until the package arrives...
Moreover the dress looks... :-/ ..just shitty ...

 So I was very happy that she choose me for sewing *o* 
She visited me and I took measurements. After two weeks we had another meeting where she tryed it on :) After a few optimizations it was done ^_^

Now here is my result: (only the first prototype)

Last week we met for a photoshoot ! I made her make up too ^_^

Her friend Eli also ordered Cosplay. It's a a Misa Misa (Death Note) Cosplay!
I bought half of the stuff on the internet and changed some things at the skirt and top. 

Last but not least I want to show you a manga story we made xD 

If you need help with a Cosplay or photoshoot don't be shy to contact me ;3


Dienstag, 5. November 2013


Hey my Dears,

Last week I had a little halloween lolita meetup. Actually I wanted to try a Shironuri make up with Gothic Lolita outfit. I borrowed the Clock printed JSK by Lady Sloth from my best friend Yuki <3
Unfortunatly I forgot my white make up in Bonn because next week I will move in my new flat :3 

Don't know what Shironuri is? Shironuri is a type of white make up from japan. It reminds a bit of a geisha. Minori is one of the most famous Shironuri model and designer. She's soo amazing *o*

 Here is a nice report about Minori and her special style: 

I think she is such a inspiring person and when she said: 
"Never give up. Keep doing what you like", I got goosebumps! 

She is so damn right in what she said! I think we should do more things we like and so with our clothes. We should only wear fashion what we like, no matter if it's green or grey, flashy or not. 
 Every human has the right to be what he or she wants to be. 
If every person would stay true to himself, the world would be soo much colorful!

 Back to the topic ^^ I arrived at the meetup without my make up ._. 
The first person that I saw was Joey .. with Shironuri make up !!! xDD She stole my idea !! xD  

I took some awesome photos of her *o*!

Next time I will do a Shironuri make up by myself ! :D 
 So, stay tuned ;3


Connichi 2013 - Perona

Hey hey ^_^

It's a long time ago since I visited the Connichi in Kassel, nevertheless I want to report about it.
It was the first time for me and it was hm.. i don't know how to say but..not really special xD It was just another Anime Convention^^ 
We didn't bought a inside-ticket and just took some photos in the park next to the con building.
Actually I wanted to cosplay Shirahoshi once again but the weather was too bad and cold. 
So I cosplayed Perona and Thiemo, as my cosplay partner Kumasy (Bärsy).
We still had a lot of fun and a nice weekend ^_^ ...
 Except of sunday -_- On sunday we traveled to the netherlands sea,to make a movie for our youtube channel.. but it was so so soo WINDY ! It was horrible >.< ! Our whole camera equipment was full of sand and everything was blown away. Even my fake eyelashes xD !!
 Anyway.. I don't want to go to sea anymore image 
 In the end we took lunch in our car ._. 

Well here are some photos: 

Funniest pic ever xDD !

Finally I want to show you the only two photos we could took at the sea.

See you next time ;3


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